Enamel covered magnet wire works great for this.

The guage of the wire will depend on how much current you plan to have the transformer supply. Now, wind on 12 turns of wire, twist a loop (center tap), and wind on 12 more turns. Now, remove the old 2000 V secondary, being careful not to damage the primary. If you want, you can test the transformer, but they are usually still good. Remove the transformer, being careful not to touch the large high voltage capacitor that might still be charged. The bigger the microwave the bigger transformer.
#Power converter 220 to 110 radio shack tv#
Go to a local TV repair shop and dig through the dumpster until you get the largest microwave you can find. These transformers are rated at about 1KW and are perfect. The easiest and least expensive way to get a large T1 is to re-wind an old microwave transformer.Larger transformers and more powerful transistors can be substituted for T1, Q1 and Q2 for more power.

With Q1,Q2=2N3055 and T1= 15 A, the inverter can supply about 300 watts.